Welcome to Your Help Desk

Powered by the People and Ready to Assist!

Ahora disponible en EspaΓ±ol / Castellano en https://ayuda.globalsupport.link/

The Help Desk provides free resources to people and organizations who are part of the Powered by the People (PxP) global network. In addition to the online resources, members of the Help Desk can answer questions and provide advice on digital and physical security via chat, messaging or email channels. Depending on your needs, the Help Desk can also organize:

  • In-person workshops and trainings on security & resiliency for civil society organizations

  • Digital security investigations

  • Expert support on developing security policies

  • Travel security briefings

  • Psychosocial support

Reach out today to discuss with a member of the Help Desk to see what is right for you or your organization or click through the resources available online:

This is an evolving resource that will be updated and improved with feedback from all of you!

Last updated